Sunday, November 20, 2005

Webs in the mist

        The weather has been very foggy and misty here in Seattle lately.  So much mist in the air that I found these little sparkling cobwebs in the mist this morning on our front railing still with droplets of the foggy residue clinging to the patterns.   You may want to enlarge the pictures to get a good look.  Didn't spot the little creative spider anywhere but it looked like a small mosquito was caught in the web.  I left the webs there.   I wasn't working in the yard today so why destroy all that beautiful handiwork.   Times like these I'm glad I have a digital camera.  I marvel in the artwork that goes on just outside my house.  To think the webs are strong enough to hold all those little droplets of mist.   There were at least four of them attached to the railing.   Hmmm, come to think of it...where did those spiders go?  :)     The back yard is getting a little unruly.  The morning glory vines are creeping all over my flower garden in little scallopy designs.   I do like their heart shaped leaves and you have to admit they have guts....since I plan to pull them out as soon as I get around to it.   My little moon face clay art object is getting a little worn but it looked just right with the clover shaped leaves growing beneath it.  Don't remember where it came from but I really like it..... Maria      


Anonymous said...

Webs are so much fun to shoot.

Anonymous said...

Those are very cool webs! I was out in my yard today and it is needing some attention...
This was a long entry for you... lol...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Webs are fun. Love the way dew settles on them.

I'm blogging over here:
Slowly getting back on track with my photos and such.

Anonymous said...

Love checking out those webs...they are so cool...I love to see a spider in action...making the web is so creative.