Monday, November 14, 2005

Blowing in the wind


Pampas grass is so feathery looking when it is blowing in the wind.  I took a walk the other day and the sky was blue in one part and very grey in another.  Time is flying by and Thanksgiving is almost here.  I love the swaying and rustling of pampas grass.  It reminds me of the ocean beaches here in Washington.   It was a great walk, although I walked by myself for 40 minutes around the neighborhood.  So many thoughts went through my head about where I lived and what interesting things people do with their yards and houses.  How some places are so perfectly kept and others show the signs of children romping from the previous day.  Walking in the neighborhood opens your eyes. In this world of cars and buses and fast paced events taking time to walk in the neighborhood lets us all see what is blowing in the wind.  It reminds me, at least, that time is fleeting so whatever I can do to be in the moment, like walking around my own community, means a great deal and actually helps bring some peace of mind.  Wonder what's in your neighborhood? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like these too!!
Linda :)