Friday, March 9, 2007

Got it! Figured out the File Manager - with Help



I'm back in business!  This entry should catch me up for the last two entries....rather than change them.   Thanks to the help of a fellow journaler I found out I can get to my Files in my FTP Space by going to  ...however, I did have to do it in a back door manner.   But once I got there I could open the file by clicking on it...copy the picture and then get back to my journal entry and paste it in.  Got this from a journaler who's initials are is the link back to JJ"s journal  Adventures of an Eclectic Mind.    Wow...I'm so happy!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Maria,Thankyou for that ! tell me what are those ..erm round things ,are they stones Jan xx

Anonymous said...

You can also put pictures in your journal by using aol pictures and click to make them larger and copy and paste them in. Helen

Anonymous said...

Glad you figured out the file beats me every a great day! Hugs,Terryann

Anonymous said...

So good when we finally figure stuff like that out.   Ok...first, I do love Mr. Unicorn.   Second, what the hell are those round thingies?   (cool pics tho')!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info...I've never used that feature.  I may give it a try myself.  Linda  

Anonymous said...

So glad your back in business.  I don't know about the problems with the file manager since I use photobucket.

Anonymous said...

So glad you are back in business.  At least AOL has some built in back doors, since the hinges never seem to work right on the front door.


Anonymous said...

That is another way, I, however, ran out of space so I just go thru AOL pics.
You get used to it...Ü

Anonymous said...

have a good weekend:) glad you figured it out


Anonymous said...

Great news on figuring it out...loved the photos....hugs,