Saturday, January 13, 2007

Snowy paths and Life

A Good Saturday morning to you all!  I was on a little walk the other day on snowy paths.   These are paths that I've walked before but they were entirely different because of the snow and the sunshine.  The storm of a couple weeks earlier had an effect as well since branches were leaning over almost cutting off my way.  Warning: my reflections coming..LOL...  Isn't life like this?  Paths that you've taken in the past over and over can change overnight.  They are ,however, still the same paths underneath.  It's just that due to the changes falling on them one has to adjust and do different things to respond to walking on them.   Nothing stays the same even though you think you are the same you underneath...guess what?...since yesterday you grew and are not the same.   Maybe it was the storm that was overcome, the pain that was borne or the joy that was experienced it all changes what is underneath the surface a little even though it still feels the same.   Growth happens, we can't stop it.  Things fall on us.  We are the one path we cannot get away from and must travel over and over each day.   We can improve it, build on it or let the beauty that is around us become a part of it like these snowy paths.   Funny, now reflecting on this walk I remember feeling so much a part of this familiar path and wanting to come back over and over to see what has changed since the last walk.  Reminds me of January too..setting goals...yep been here and I'm back again. One thing to be sure of....we will grow.....we must grow...just remember it's the same path with differences on the outside falling down and driving change on the inside.  Snowy, bright paths filled with white light remind me of this.





Anonymous said...

These are beautiful. I can see why it would be a tough path to follow. Good entry. Helen

Anonymous said...

your pictures are great!!!!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love that first one!


Anonymous said...

a wonderful entry...and so true!  love your beautiful pics...esp that 1st one.

Anonymous said...

Nature and art often reflect truths of life.  This is one of those times.


Anonymous said...

Snow finally today and tomorrow!!!! I hated our warm winter.  Our tourist industry is suffering badly.

Anonymous said...

awesome pics, but i myself don't like snow. give me warm air and sunshine and i am happy. hope you have a great daay. ((((((hugs))))))

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are breath taking !   Linda