Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Birthday Haiku

In order to stay more focused I am going to write about Birthdays if the day is Wednesday through Saturday and about Bills if the Day is  Sunday through Tuesday..because I don't think I can handle two journals yet.  (Kudos to all of you who can do that....)

Do I really need a photo to write a Haiku ....of course, don't we all?
Rule I go by:  17 syllables in 1 minute

Birthday Cake Photo

Cake bursting strawberries
Wavy whipped cream, cool
Birthday, pink, decadent

We all have a favorite cake or birthday treat....if you happen to read this and would like a Haiku for you...just post a birthday photo on your journal and ask me to visit in the comments section of this entry!...I'll see what I can do for you!



Anonymous said...

Yummy!!!! I'm hungry now!! Tina

Anonymous said...

Luv Haiku - however, yours is making me hungry! De-Lish. What a lovely cake! ~ Lori