Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Kubota Garden in the Fall

Hello all,

I've posted some pictures before of Kubota Japanese garden in the warmer the weather is turning colder and the fall colors are coming.  Here are a couple of snapshots of the garden pond in the fall.  I played around with some framing again...:)

I've noticed that sometimes my photos of the landscape aren't always as sharp as they could be...since I'm using my digital I figure I must have bumped or changed a setting and now don't remember what it is...that means I'll have to look in the book or get with Greg....  In any case these photos were good but not as I expected.  I was playing around with the macro button for earlier closeups and it was a fairly grey sky that day.....with some patches of blue. 

Have a great day!  Maria



Anonymous said...

 I like your photo's.  I have such a terrible time with landscape.  They look flat and washed out.  Is it my camera or my technique or as I suspect both?  Greg is always the one to turn to for answers.


Anonymous said...

these are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

For me these are magnificient Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures.

Anonymous said...

Oooh...real nice!


Anonymous said...

These are beautiful, stunning reflection~

Anonymous said...

I think both of these pictures look just fine.  There doesn't seem to be any sharpness issues here.  I love the reflection in the stone still water.  The first thing I would look at when dealing with sharpness is your shutter speed, compared to your focal length.  You might just be introducing some camera shake to the image and that is easily corrected with either a higher ISO, or a tripod.  Your depth of field might be too narrow which would indicate that your aperture is too wide.  Your auto focus might be tracking something different than what you are wanting it to track as well.  If none of this seems to help, feel free to email me, and we'll figure it out.


Anonymous said...

very pretty

Anonymous said...

They look very beautiful to me. Have a wonderful week. Janie

Anonymous said...

these actually made me suck in my breath!

Anonymous said...

The reflections in the water are amazing....
Linda :)