Saturday, June 16, 2007

Today, Today, Today!

Living in the moment means knowing it's today!   We plan for the future..we fret and learn from the past but the reality is always in the,  today!  Let's not forget how important it is to live in the moment.   Wouldn't it be great if we could always be aware of the enjoyments of each moment...the warmth of the sun's rays,  the dreams which can begin each of our days, the brightness of the smiles from the ones we love, the hugs that we get at those unexpected times. all begins with today, today, today!....  Another photo from my sun transition series. ..a little reminder that the beginning is always Today!   Maria








Anonymous said...

Well said...have a great day!!!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Perfect words, and an awesome picture to go with!  Enjoy your day my friend

Anonymous said...

have a great Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful words to live by and I love the photo.


Anonymous said...

Your photos look like the Posters you see with Enduarance or Challenge or Teamwork written on them. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

love the photo AND the words!!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! the words and the picture...
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Love your new hair do...just seen it on the side bar...and so agree...wish we could all live for today!  Hope you have a great week!  Hugs,TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

perfect caption for a beautiful picture!

Anonymous said...

I love this. Just poking around and I found your journal, thought I'd visit
I really like it