Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Time for Flowers

I haven't been on a flower shoot for awhile.  These three are random flowers that I found in May.  The fourth an intriguing surprise.  The two photos of the rhody's are in front of Seatac city hall...and the rose photo was taken in front of an empty house for sale in Georgetown a few miles from where I live.   Flowers never fail to make me smile.  I'm constantly entranced by them wherever I see them....even on my fingernail...:)   Maria




Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Pike Place Market in June

The Pike place market is a great place to get fresh fish and seafood.  It's so much fun to watch all the people too.   The other weekend it was a special's the 75th year for the Market and they were having their parade of pigs.  It's a charity fund raiser but it recognizes the symbol of the market which is a bronze pig.   Enjoy the slide show.   No this isn't one of those fish's true!


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Today, Today, Today!

Living in the moment means knowing it's today!   We plan for the future..we fret and learn from the past but the reality is always in the,  today!  Let's not forget how important it is to live in the moment.   Wouldn't it be great if we could always be aware of the enjoyments of each moment...the warmth of the sun's rays,  the dreams which can begin each of our days, the brightness of the smiles from the ones we love, the hugs that we get at those unexpected times. all begins with today, today, today!....  Another photo from my sun transition series. ..a little reminder that the beginning is always Today!   Maria







Sunday, June 10, 2007

My Sun Transition collection - 2nd image

Hello, all! 

This is the 2nd image in a collection I am working on called My Sun Transition Collection.   I am a big fan of sunrises and sunsets.  You can't tell from a photograph whether it's a sunrise or sunset unless you know the location.    I keep finding wonderful quotes that just cry out for being put on a photo with a sun transition scene.  Hopefully I can amass several of these photos and captions.  So far I have four photos I love and have been commissioned once for them. I produced framed and matted selections for a recent Toastmasters Conference as gifts to Speakers and Judges.  That was so exciting to me and they turned out so well.   Wouldn't it be great to have them in a gallery or show?  When the time is right...:)

I like these times of transition ...between day and night in these photos of dawn and dusk.  It is an ultimate indicator of change for us.   As the sun gives way to the darkness and the moon and stars and vice versa it reminds me that in transition there is beauty and change.   It is said that change is good.   I would really miss it if we didn't have beauty of the sunrises and sunsets so I would have to agree:  change is good!   The next time you get hung up and are resisting the change that must be...think of the sun and the beauty in times of transition.  Look for the beauty in the change, you may be surprised to find it takes your breath away!...That's my thought to start the week!:)     Yours truly,  Maria

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Therein lies Immortality

Hello, all!

Flowers find immortality of sorts by being photographed.  It's one way to make them last far past their original lifeline.  Isn't photography wonderful?   What about that which we don't photograph with a camera?  Aha!  We have memories.   With People it's hard to capture moments in photographs and yet we can capture the event itself to trigger our memories.... Our memories are what gives life we pass them on they live from generation to generation as stories.   Therein lies immortality in stories and photographs.   Today, my story is a new image haircut.  I will eventually get a photo.  It's  more sophisticated rather like the photo of the flowers below.   It's good to change some things as time goes on.  Seeking a little more simplicity and elegance is a good thing.  How do you want to be remembered?  I'm not sure yet about me.....but I do like this photo I took near the Public Market of these memorable white poppies and the surrounding leaves and flowers...:)


Sunday, June 3, 2007

Light Tomorrow

It was such a beautiful day is a simple thought to start the week...I took this photo in Mexico and the sentiment seems to fit.   Maria  :)


Saturday, June 2, 2007

A Celtic Kind of Day

Today was a Celtic kind of day....I looked through my photos and found some I took of some celtic experiences with knotting.   A Cross in a cemetary,  three celtic knots I designed from a method where you fold and cut paper.  To Learn more about that go to the website and  order the's self explanatory and very easy to learn.:  CELTIC SWAN

I then watched my Lord of the Dance DVD with Michael Flatley.   Also see SHOW informaton for a taste of the music and more photos:  It is a wonderful story with Romance and Dancing and power and ....I love it....  







Friday, June 1, 2007

Butterflies at the Center

Hello, all,,

Today's entry is from last weekend when we went to the Butterfly exhibit at the Seattle Center during our boating excursion....we did spend more time on land than on the boat...LOL.....The butterflies were beautiful and friendly.  One lit onto Ron's silk shirt and he was all concerned that it would eat it...but it just rested there for about 15 minutes....a long time.  The blue butterfly was brown on the outside but when it opened it's wings it was an irridescent color of blue..quite striking.  Enjoy the visit...we did!     Maria