Monday, October 17, 2005

Little Intro to Halloween

Can you tell?  I'm making up for a few days of no entries!   I love Halloween!   The decorations are so engaging this time of year.  This entry is just a little intro into what I have coming for this month. I'll be posting some interesting decorations..some of mine and some which I've noticed while I was walking or driving...I always have the camera ready!   In my house's entryway I have a plain grapevine makes a great backdrop for any season.   I just took down the previous dressing for this wreath and turned it into a spider's web delight!   The pumpkin is electric with a fan and lights and spooky sounds...why not put it in the fireplace?  BOO!     Jack O' squashes....headless horseman....bodyless pumpkin heads....:)  


Anonymous said...

Very clever!! Pumpkin in the fireplace...
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Oh love your decorations!!!

Anonymous said...

What a coolllllllll idea!  Love it!  thanks for sharing the photos and also, thank you for your comments about my Mom...they mean a lot to me!

Anonymous said...

oooooooo I like that idea!
Thanks for sharing~Marie

Anonymous said...

Love the spider wreath.

Anonymous said...

I love the way you Americans have so much fun at Halloween. Over here its a bit of a damp squib. Although having said that, each year it gets bigger and bigger. More costumes, more products etc (I think the marketing boys have finally cottoned on to the money-making potential in the UK!) Each year we go trick or treating and have a special party, as do lots of people - I just sense it's a far bigger affair over there with you. Of course, 5 days later we have Bonfire Night to look forward to (no wonder I can't make any headway on my diet, if I'm not up to my neck in candy, it's Jacket potatoes and sausages!)

Tilly x

Anonymous said...

oh that's a wonderful crafts projects for a wreath! and love that electric pumpkin!
Gem :-)