Sunday, March 26, 2006

Ixtapa Vacation sunsets

Picture from Hometown


Hello all!

I've been away for a little while...visiting a wonderful place called Ixtapa in Mexico.  The sunsets are the best.  Here are three of the many shots I took of the sunsets there.  I'll be posting more.  For now I'm appreciating the little memories that should hopefully hold me for another year.   I've got more to come on my the next few days the theme will be Maria's vacation.







Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Very nice :) So glad you had a great vacation!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lucky you! I'll be looking forward to the pictures. The sunsets are truly awesom, but of course, I love sunsets.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful vacation, you were missed....but I know you relaxed and had a wonderful time...the photos are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Lucky ducky~looks like a great place to visit! Sassy ;-)

Anonymous said...

OH, so so pretty!  Love the pictures!  GBU, Shelly