Saturday, December 9, 2006

Inside wreaths and white bird

I have some time for another entry....this sparkly wreath was made by Donna...I think it's one of my favorite ones.   Below is a photo of a wreath I bought awhile's not real..kind of like the animation but it is beautiful just the same and I've been able to enjoy it over and over again.   The white bird may not be real either yet it is there welcoming me as I walk in my front door each day giving me a real happy feeling.   It's set on a grapevine wreath which I change each month.  I have a red bird too that I use for Valentines and sometimes Christmas....this year it seems like white is the color for me.    (White is actually a blend of all colors when it comes to light...I think I read that somewhere... isn't that nice?)  

We picked up our tree today at a Catholic Grade school.  15% of the proceeds got to local foodbanks and charities.  Got the cutest thank-you card from a first grader, named Bradley at the felt so much like christmas walking around the lot and then getting the about feeling like a kid again.   Later I'll write more on that....  






My name tag is compliments of Chris at CAB's Creations  (Thanks, Chris)



Anonymous said...

i love your pictures:)


Anonymous said...

Your wreathes are so pretty. Helen

Anonymous said...

Absolutely lovely ...LOVE Jan xx

Anonymous said...

very beautiful wreathes. (((((hugs))))))))

Anonymous said...

I BELIEVE I've seen that bird before.  Could have been last year I guess?  Congrats on getting your tree and how sweet about that card from the lil boy.  : )  Love and hugs, Shelly