Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Early Valentine 3 - Love is magic

                         Love is Magic*

                                 Love is magic, pure and sweet 
                         For it alone makes life complete 
                          Love turns all the commonplace 
                    To matchless beauty, joy and grace 
                  when there's something hearts would say 
                         Love,like magic, shows the way      

               Picture from Hometown

       Picture from Hometown    

                Picture from Hometown

 poem on a candle which Ron and I received for our wedding,   
         ... oh just a few years back in 1976.  Author unknown   


                                         Picture from HometownPicture from Hometown


Anonymous said...

Lovely!!!! Thanks for sharing1

Anonymous said...

Very nice and so appropriate for Valentines Day!
Many hugs...

Anonymous said...

Yes, Love is Magic!  I totally agree.  And I love it when couples stay together for so long.  Congratulations.  GBU, Shelly

Anonymous said...

This entry is so beautiful and made me smile! I do not believe there is any one thing more magical than love. Not necessarily romantic love - but love in general. Truly, love makes life complete.

Anonymous said...

Nice.  How in the world do you get the music in your blog.  I like it.  Takecare, TerryAnn.