Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Checking back in with photos from Ixtapa

Hello all! 

I hope I haven't lost all my readers, what with my being on hiatus for so long.  I went on a little trip to Mexico and when I returned I had so many photos I got a bit backlogged!  I couldn't decide on what photo to enter into the contests I was participating in and it was the indecision that got me procrastinating....but now I'm back and maybe I'll try sharing some of my photos from the last few weeks since I last posted.  I may enter a contest or two if they are still happening.  I turned off my alerts to get a break on my emails...but I check my entry for comments.  It's been awhile since I made an entry but I plan to visit all you who commented on my last entry to see how it's going with you and your sites if you have one.

I've missed my blogs and visiting others.   Recently, I gave a short speech in my Toastmasters club at work on Positive Thinking folders.  What you ask is Toastmasters?  It's a great organization that helps people to get over nerves and learn to be better public speakers.  It's great.  It gives me the opportunity to practice writing and giving speeches on interesting topics to friends at work during lunchtimes twice a month.   That's where I got the idea to talk about Positive Thinking folders.  In the last couple of years I've been collecting positive quotes, stories and thoughts and either filing paper copies in a manila folder called 'Positive Thinking" or digitally in a computer folder called the same thing.  There are some very good blogs and sites out there also for which you can get an RSS feed that sends you an email like an alert when there is a new entry.  

The quote I filed away today in my digital folder must have been what prodded me out of my procrastination.:

"There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction."
-John F. Kennedy

So, here I am adding a couple more of my photos.  Both from Mexico: 

The first one: 'Memories of the Beach' and the second one:  'Come on in the pool,  the water is fine!'

I'm back,  Maria


Anonymous said...

So glad to see you back from hiatus.  Hope it was as enjoyable as the pictures make it out to be.  Interesting information on the Toastmasters club.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back.....we all need a break at times :).

Anonymous said...

welcome back...   wish I was at that pool!

Anonymous said...

The pool looks so refreshing!  I hope you post more pictures.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back!!   How fun to go to Mexico.     Pics look so relaxing and refreshing...hope it did just that for YOU.


Anonymous said...

Yay, your back!!  I always enjoy your entries.  What wonderful photos!!  Love, Shelly

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back. The best book I have ever read as far as being positive is HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING BY DALE CARNEGIE.  

Anonymous said...

well i wondered where you went:) glad your back and i love the pictures


Anonymous said...

oh...i wish i were there!!  :)  beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful!!!!  Wish I was floating in that pool!

Anonymous said...

Love the positive quote!  And, your photos are beautiful.  A trip to Mexico!  How fun! Will love to see more of your trip as you have time to post.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! Thanks for visiting my journal. Hope to see you on the photo challenges! Martha ~

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!!
and you've been busy, that's a good thing...
Love that pool!!!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos! That pool definitely looks inviting. I try to keep a collection of song lyrics and quotes myself to keep me motivated. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

It's really nice to hear from you again.
I love the idea of a positive thinking folder and think I will try that myself. where are some sites you get good stuff from?